High level roundtable on a Euro-Mediterranean clean tech cooperation
The EU has put forth the Green Deal Industrial Plan to accelerate the transition to climate neutrality while also securing its industrial lead in the fast-growth net-zero technology sector. As part of this Plan, the proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act, aims to strengthen the resilience and competitiveness of net-zero technologies manufacturing in the EU, make the EU energy system more secure and sustainable and create better conditions to attract investments and to set up net-zero projects in Europe To complement the Net Zero Industrial Act, the EU is investigating the potential for strategic Clean Tech partnerships with third countries that can support more diversified and more resilient global value chains. The Southern Mediterranean region is of particular strategic importance given its geographic proximity and the existing energy infrastructure that can be capitalised on. Reinforced clean tech cooperation and investment in strategic infrastructure projects would stimulate the region’s economic growth and reinforce countries’ socio-economic resilience, while also fostering the green transition in the Mediterranean. This session proposes to discuss the potential and opportunities for the development of Clean Tech cooperation within the Mediterranean, in a manner that both complements and maximises EU efforts under the Net Zero Industry Act, while also contributing to our partners’ sustainable development efforts.
This session will start in

Maroš Šefčovič

Werner Dr Ponikwar

Juergen Rigterink

Gert-Jan Koopman

Houda Ben Jannet

Ditte Maria Juul Jørgensen

Nasser Ahmed Kamel

Roland Roesch

Deger Saygin
Session number 2.DU.2