Fei Teng

Fei Teng

Professor, Tsinghua University


Teng Fei is a Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University. He holds B.E., M.S. and PhD in Management Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University. He is the Secretary General of the Energy Systems Engineering Committee of the China Energy Research Society, a member of the Energy Economy Committee of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society, a member of the Committee on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development of the Chinese Meteorological Society, a member of the China National Committee of the Future Earth Initiative, and a member of the China Forum Expert Group. He is the lead author of the Fifth and Sixth Climate Change Assessment Reports of the IPCC. He has published nearly 100 papers in Science, Nature Climate Change and other academic journals, with more than 2000 citations. From 2007 to 2017, he was a member of China’s negotiation team on climate change. His main research interests include integrated assessment modelling, energy system analysis, global and domestic climate policy and governance.

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