Christian O Deseglise
Group Head of Sustainable Infrastructure & Innovation, HSBC
Christian Deseglise is Group Head of Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovation at HSBC. Previously, he held various positions within HSBC, including Head of Sustainable Finance and Investments, Global Head of Central Banks and Sovereign Wealth Funds at HSBC Global Banking and Markets, and Global Head of Emerging Markets at HSBC Global Asset Management. Christian is also a NonExecutive Director of HSBC Bank (Egypt). Mr. Deseglise is a member of the One Planet Lab, a high-level advisory group set up by President Macron to address challenges related to climate change and leads the FAST-Infra initiative, aiming to mobilize private investment to finance sustainable infrastructure. Christian is also a member of the Blended Finance Task Force of Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI), which was launched by HM King Charles III when he was Prince of Wales, and helps support HSBC’s participation in the newly established World Bank Private Sector Lab. He also sits on the Climate Council of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. He was the co-Chair of the WEF Global Future Council on SDG Investments, the co-Chair of the Sustainable Infrastructure Working Group of the SMI, and the co-lead of various working groups of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero. Christian is also an Adjunct-Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, where is has been teaching on Emerging Markets and Sustainable Finance since 2009. He is also the co-founder and co-director of Columbia University’s BRIC-Lab, which was set up to study the rise of Emerging countries. Mr. Deseglise has taught at Sciences Po in Paris and at the Institute for High Studies for Development in Bogotá, Colombia. He has written a book “Le Défi des Pays Emergents: Une Chance pour la France”, which was published in France in April 2012. He has also written numerous articles on Emerging Markets and Sustainable Finance. In 2003, Mr. Deseglise and his wife, the artist Genevieve Maquinay, established Foundation Caring for Colombia, a not-for-profit organization that provides assistance to the unprivileged in Colombia. Christian is a Graduate from Sciences Po (Paris). He holds a Master’s degree from La Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris) and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in New York
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Finance, Innovation