Catherine Abreu
Founder/Executive Director, Destination Zero
Catherine Abreu, Founder and Executive Director of Destination Zero, is a globally respected climate justice advocate with 20 years of experience in the heart of the global climate movement. Recognised for her diplomacy, communications, and coalition-building skills, she's one of the world's top 100 climate policy influencers according to Apolitical. She is a member of Canada's Net-Zero Advisory Body, co-chairs the International Policy Working Group of the Global Gas and Oil Network as well as the Energy Diplomacy Working Group of the International Climate Politics Hub, and sits on the boards of several organisations including Climate Action Network Canada. Catherine is honoured to be the recipient of the 2020 Jack Layton Progress Prize for her transformative work and to be named one of Canada's Clean50. Her expertise makes her a vital figure in climate policy and action, shaping global discussions on the transition toward clean energy.
Speaking at
Civil Society, Energy, Finance, Just transition, Mitigation