Leonardo Bejarano
Director of the Catalan Office of Climate Change, Government of Catalonia, Spain
Bejarano, trained at the University of Girona (UdG), has worked as a technician at the Directorate General of Environmental Policies and Natural Environment, since 2014, and at the territorial services of Girona, since 2006. Since 2021, he is secretary of the Consell de Protecció de la Natura. Dean of the Collegi d'Ambientòlegs from 2014 to 2023, he has more than 20 years of experience in environmental management and planning and is an active participant in different organizations and networks of the Movement for Climate Justice. He is currently the Director of the Catalan Office of Climate Change.
Speaking at
Adaptation, Loss and damage, Mitigation, Nature / biodiversity, Oceans / water