Souha Ferchichi
Technical expert, Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on sustainable energy systems, graduated from the National Engineering school of Tunis, and has been a technical expert at the Mediterranean renewable energy centre (MEDREC) since 2019.
Souha has been implementing and managing cross border cooperation projects which aim at contributing to combating climate change, fostering socio-economic development and boosting access to affordable and climate-friendly energy, through the introduction of innovative, eco-sustainable and cost effective solutions in the Mediterranean context. She is a member of the coordination team of the project Med-EcoSuRe, and the local coordinator of the project SECAP 4SDG , which both aims at implementing operational and strategic guidance tools for the energy rehabilitation of buildings, improving energy efficiency and capturing cost-effective energy savings in the public building sector which is the largest energy consumer in the Mediterranean area.
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Cooperation & partnerships, Energy, Innovation