Nino Tandilashvili
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Georgia
Ms. Nino Tandilashvili is the first Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia from April 2023 (She was Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia between 12.2017- 04.2023). She is in charge of key national environmental policy directions including climate change, ambient air protection, water resources management, environmental permits and licensing, as well as development of legal framework, international relations and European Integration, facilitation of environmental education, supporting public participation in decision-making and ensuring access to information. Moreover, monitoring of environmental pollution, monitoring of meteorological, hydrological, geological processes, as well as collection and dissemination of environmental monitoring data at national and international levels falls under the custodianship. Prior to her current position, Ms. Tandilashvili was Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and was responsible for elaboration of environmental legislation and coordination of legal aspects of environmental dimensions for the EU integration. Starting from 2007 she has developed an interesting and extensive career and has gained significant experience in the fields of lawmaking and environmental protection. She has graduated her bachelor in law from Tbilisi State University, Master in European and Internation Law from University of Amsterdam. She has started her career as a public servant at the Ministry of Penitentiary, Probation and Legal Assistance of Georgia, from 2014 she was holding different positions at the Ministry of Environment, as the Head of the Division of Parliamentary Affairs and Lawmaking, Deputy head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia (2014-2017).
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