Bruno Carvalho Arruda

Bruno Carvalho Arruda

Deputy Head for Climate Action, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil


Bruno Carvalho Arruda has been deputy head for Climate Action in the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affaris since August, 2022. He is currently tasked with climate negotiations related to Agriculture, Markets (Article 6 of the Paris Agreement), Trade and others, as well as the GHG emissions reduction initiatives under the ICAO and the IMO. A carreer diplomat, he has had the following previous assignments: - Brazilian Embassy to South Africa, Lesotho and Mauritius (2018-2022), as head of Trade, Investment and Agriculture and BRICS point of contact; - Brazilian Embassy to France and Monaco (2014-2018), as desk officer for bilateral projects. - Division of MERCOSUR (2009-2014), as assistant.

Speaking at


Agriculture, Carbon Markets, Transport

Social Media