Alexandra Nikolakopoulou

Alexandra Nikolakopoulou

Head of Unit, DG for Health and Food Safety, European Commission


Alexandra Nikolakopoulou is Head of Unit, Farm to Fork, at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE). She has steered and coordinated work leading to the adoption of the EU's Farm to Fork Strategy in 2020. Under her leadership, the Unit coordinates the implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy and is in charge of some of its main initiatives, such as the general framework for sustainable food systems, the Code of Conduct on sustainable food practices, the monitoring of the strategy and actions related to the reduction of food waste. Throughout her career in DG SANTE, she has been dealing with issues relating to food labelling and general food law, biotechnology, health claims, food supplements and foods for specific groups. Alexandra joined the European Commission as an official in 2003. She previously worked as food law advisor at EuroCommerce. Prior to that, she spent 3 years at the legal Unit of the former Consumer Protection Directorate General of the European Commission. She graduated in law at the University of Athens and completed a DEA in European law at the University of Toulouse.

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Agriculture, Circular economy, Food and nutrition, Nature / biodiversity, Peace / Climate Security

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