Jürgen Tiedje

Jürgen Tiedje

Head of Unit for Sustainable Industry Systems, DG for Research and Innovation


Jürgen Tiedje, working with the European Commission since 1992; German nationality; lawyer as educational background, wide experience in different Commission departments of European policy making, including financial and professional services, industry and single market policy. He joined DG Research and Innovation in the Commission in January 2017. At present, he is Head of Unit for Sustainable Industry Systems in DG Research & Innovation. The unit is running different contractual partnerships with industries (Factories of the Future, SPIRE, Energy Efficient Buildings) and has prepared the relevant work programmes under Horizon 2020 from the point of view of Key Enabling Technologies, including biotechnology. The unit also manages around 220 research projects under Horizon 2020. At present, the unit is deeply involved in the preparation of work programmes of Horizon Europe (Pillar 2, cluster 4) and works towards potential new partnerships on discrete manufacturing (Made in Europe) and process manufacturing (Processes4Planet). The unit is also in charge of a partnership on metrology (EMPIR) and prepares the next metrology initiative under Horizon Europe.

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