Grozdena Chalakova
Teacher, Secondary School Georgi Bregov, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria
Grozdena Mihailova Chalakova
Data of birth: 23.08.1978
Citizenship: Bulgarian
Senior teacher at Bulgarian Secondary School Georgi Bregov in Pazardzhik. 24 years of professional experience in education, including 10 years as Deputy Director of Educational Activities at Primary School Otec Paisii - Pazardzhik.
An active participant in various initiatives for the development of educational institutions, focusing on European and modern growth, digital competencies, STEAM, and green skills.
Key role in the realization of the successful acquisition of Erasmus accreditation in 2021 and eTwinning School Label in 2023 of the Primary School Father Paisiy - Pazardzhik.
Part of the Education for Climate Coalition as the national coordinator of the Bulgarian national group since March 2022. Scientix Ambassador since May 2023.
Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy of music education from the „Academy of Music and Dance Art - Plovdiv and a master's degree in Pedagogy from Veliko Tarnovo University St. St. Cyril and Methodius.
Professional-pedagogical specialization in Development of communication skills from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski - Sofia and Professional-pedagogical specialization in Pop and Jazz Singing from Academy of Music and Dance Art - Plovdiv.
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