Emmanuel Katrakis
Secretary General, European Recycling Industries' Confederation
Emmanuel Katrakis joined EuRIC in September 2014, at the time the European Recycling Industries' Confederation was created. Since then, Emmanuel has steadily developed the Confederation, which is today the voice of the European recycling industry and acts as the trusted interface between the recycling industry and European institutions. Prior to joining, he worked in an international law firm and two trade associations where he gained an in-depth experience in association management. Owing to his presence in Brussels for over ten years, he has developed a strong knowledge of European affairs and advocacy as well as a proven track-record in defending various industrial sectors. Emmanuel is a regular speaker in international conferences dealing with recycling and a member of different expert groups set up by European institutions aiming at supporting the transition towards a more circular economy. Emmanuel is graduated in European law from the College of Europe in Bruges and International Relations from the Institute of Higher International Studies of the Panthéon-Assas University.
Speaking at
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Circular economy, Finance, Industry