David Amudavi
Executive Diretor, Biovision Africa Trust
Dr. David Amudavi is the Executive Director of Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) based in Nairobi, Kenya. The goal of the Trust is to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya and other African countries through dissemination of information and knowledge on technologies and practices to improve human, animal, plant, and environmental health. David has wealth of experience coordinating sustainable agricultural programmes. He’s the Coordinator of the African Union Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative which has received tremendous support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and he’s also the Coordinator of the Eastern Africa Knowledge Hub which is part of the continental Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture (KCOA) in Africa project supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (MBZ) through GIZ.
Before joining icipe as a senior scientist with the mandate to establish BvAT and its first programme the Farmer Communication Programme and to, David was a senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural was doing a 2-year postdoctoral fellow with ICIPE’s Push-pull project: ‘Creating smallholder led growth through ‘push-pull’ technologies in Eastern Africa’, which is supported by Biovision Foundation and other donors. David is a graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and holds a Ph.D. in Adult and Extension Education with minors in Developmental Sociology and Natural Resource Management. David holds M.Sc. in Agricultural Science from The University of Melbourne, Australia, and a B.Sc., in Agricultural Education and Extension from Egerton University, Kenya. He has published extensively as a socio-economist, and he is a firm believer and promoter of evidence generated through research to influence policy decisions and inform design and development of programmes that improve food security and transform the lives of rural and vulnerable communities in Africa.
David previously served as a Member of the IFOAM Organics International World Board from 2017 – 2021.
Speaking at
Adaptation, Agriculture, Circular economy, Civil Society, Cooperation & partnerships, Food and nutrition, Innovation, Nature / biodiversity, Youth