Paolo Bertoldi
Senior expert, European Commission Joint Research Centre
Paolo Bertoldi has gained a Doctor Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1985 at the University of Padova (Italy). He has been working with the European Commission since 1986. From 1986 to 1993, he was working in the EU nuclear fusion project, the Joint Undertaking Torus (JET) in the UK. For 1993 until April 2001, he was Administrator with the European Commission, DG Energy (Brussels Belgium), in charge of EU regulatory and voluntary programmes for energy efficiency in end-use equipment, buildings and industry. He was also in charge of voluntary agreements with industry and tertiary sectors and the GreenLight and Motor Challenge programmes. Since May 2001, he is Principal Administrator at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), since 2007 Project Leader, and since 2015 Senior Expert. He is in charge of research activities on energy efficiency policy analysis, the efficient use of electricity (in particular ICT, data centres, electric motors and lighting) and innovative policy instruments for energy efficiency (e.g. white certificates, financing mechanisms, ESCO, EnPC, emission trading). He manages the scientific support to the Global Covenant of Mayors.
He has published over 80 papers on energy efficiency in scientific journals and 50 papers in conference proceedings.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal Energy Efficiency.
He is a lead author for the following IPCC reports: Assessment Report 5, WG III mitigation; Special Report on 1.5 C; Assessment Report 6, WG III mitigation
Speaking at
Adaptation, Carbon Markets, Carbon removals, Civil Society, Energy, Extreme weather, Finance, Industry, Innovation, Just transition, Loss and damage, Mitigation, Transport, Urbanization