Annamaria BELLERI

Annamaria BELLERI

Senior Researcher, Eurac Research - Institute of Renewable Energy


Annamaria Belleri (Eurac Research) is senior researcher in the group of Energy Efficient Buildings at the Institute of Renewable Energy. She completed her Ph.D. in Energy and Environment Technology at the University of Bergamo (Italy) in 2014. Her research is focused on ventilation solutions, strategies and design methods to effectively ventilate buildings, exploiting natural ventilation potential when available, with the objective to provide a good indoor environment quality and to reduce building energy consumption. From 2022 she is leading the research team on Healthy and Comfortable Buildings. She has been involved in over 15 research projects and is currently coordinator of H2020 Cultural-E project on Plus Energy Buildings approaching this topic by looking at cultural and climate differences in the use of residential buildings in Europe.

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Energy, Extreme weather, Health, Mitigation, Modelling, Urbanization

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