Reducing consumer food waste, protecting the planet
The environmental impacts of EU food production and consumption have risen along time, transgressing some planetary boundaries. Biodiversity footprint is driven by land use and climate change-related impacts, which are associated mainly with animal-based products. More balanced diets, where animal-based food consumption is reduced and vegetable-based proteins are preferred, could reduce the environmental impacts. Nearly 59 million tonnes of food waste (131 kg/inhabitant) are generated in the EU each year, and 63% of food is wasted at consumption stage. Meat and dairy contribute to less than 20% of food waste generated in mass, but are responsible for more than 50% of the environmental impacts of food waste. This is responsible for more than 70% of the environmental impacts of food waste generation, stressing the need to focus on prevention efforts at household and food services level. Food waste generation emits 254 Million tCO2 eq. if EU food waste were a Member State, it would be the EU’s 5th largest emitter. Food waste is a global concern, but if all stakeholders work together, it can be prevented!
This session will start in

Laura Garcia Herrero

Valeria De Laurentiis

Hendrik Bruns

Anne-Laure Gassin

Richard Swannell

Serenella Sala
Education, Food & nutrition
Session number 8.ON.2